About Us
Our mission and our values demonstrate who we are and flow from what we believe.
Our Mission
“Center Church exists to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ through Biblically-grounded expositional preaching, intentional discipleship, and servant-hearted outreach. “
We believe the Bible is God’s perfect, infallible Word to all of humankind. Because we treasure the Word, we prioritize preaching each Sunday and mine the it’s riches for more of Jesus. Our typical practice is to preach through the whole books or large sections across weeks or months.
From the day our hearts are awakened to the grace of God and made alive in Christ, we want always to be pressing “onward and upward.” The local church is the optimal place to grow in our love for and knowledge of Jesus and have it continue to transform us day by day together into his likeness.
The world around us is literally dying to meet Jesus. We seek to meet people where they are at – oftentimes through their physical and material needs with a heart to help them see their spiritual need, which only Jesus can satisfy! Therefore, we look for opportunities to share the good news and perform good works in our community.
Our Values
The core values of any organization reflect who it is and what it believes
It’s all about Jesus. From beginning to end, the Bible points us to the amazing reality that God has become man to save mankind. We believe that the gospel—the good news of God’s saving activity in Jesus Christ—is the pinnacle of His redemptive acts, the center of the Bible’s story, and the essential message for our faith, life, and witness. We are committed to preaching the gospel, singing the gospel, praying the gospel, counseling from the gospel, and building our churches upon the gospel.
The Bible presents God as He is – mighty and without limits. He is the all-glorious, triune God as the source and end of all things, sovereignly working all things according to His will. At the center of God’s purposes in the world is the exaltation of His glory through the redemption of sinners. God’s sovereign grace in salvation simultaneously humbles us before him and fills us with inexpressible gratitude. God’s sovereign power does not rob us of authentic choices but rather empowers us to make choices that will matter for all eternity. In response, we are compelled to worship him and share his message of life with each other and all people.
Mankind is the pinnacle of God’s created order. God’s glorious plan was to create man and woman both in his image with equal value and dignity. He appoints differing yet complementary roles. Therefore, the redeemed community of God, the church, has a unique opportunity and responsibility to celebrate this complementarity, to contend for it against cultural hostility, and to protect it from sinful distortions.
We believe Jesus has called the whole church to be on mission until the day that He returns. Embracing our identity as those who are sent by Jesus is essential to living out the Christian life and the church’s mission.
Jesus Christ reigns as head over the church, and He gives His church elders (pastors) to govern and lead under His authority. We believe that men, qualified by both character and gifting, are to serve as elders.
To do what Jesus has commanded us to do, we need his power. Thankfully, God Himself provides this power through the Holy Spirit who lives in every believer. The Holy Spirit empowers us for life and mission and gives supernatural gifts to build up the church, just as He did in the book of Acts.
Center Church is united in fellowship, mission, beliefs, and governance with Sovereign Grace Churches.
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Read Our Beliefs
What we believe about the Bible instructs everything that we value as a church.